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Thursday, November 11, 2021

Alcohol Ink Envelopes

Well this is one area I couldn't complete, I had a Yupo which works great with alcohol inks I just didn't have a 12x12 sheet to make an envelope. In hindsight since I made an envelope I could have used an 8.5 x 11 sheet which I did see at Michaels and could have bought it but at the time I thought I needed 12x12..oh well.

Since I couldn't make the alcohol ink envelope I opted to do it in watercolor and go ahead and make a card using the alcohol inks on the Yupo instead. 

Again I didn't have much in the way of templates and used one from Tim Holtz that had what I thought looked like Poinsettias so I went with it. 

Basically you wet you Yupo paper with alcohol blending solution and then drop you alcohol inks on top..then you use a straw if you are cheap like me (or a hand held air blower which run about $18) and blow the inks around and adding a lot more ink and blending solution until you get what you think looks take awhile and honestly it's all up to you when you decide it's done.  

I won't like this can be a messy project so be sure and protect your desk or whatever your are creating on. After you get the background color done you use a stencil and more alcohol blending solution lightly soaked onto a ink foam pad and either blot are swipe which causes the ink to lift and you are left with your stenciled image. Kind of cool but honestly for me this was a lot of work. 

So here you go a card and coordinating envelope. 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is super cute and I agree, the background can be really messy to deal with. I had no yupo and no alcohol inks so I just skipped over this assignment. Love the class overall though.
