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Monday, June 6, 2016

Odds and Ends

Nothing major for today. I am sharing some tee shirts that were on my to do list for the boys. I made them each two shirts, one colored and a bit fun the other was Haunted Mansion themed since they both remember their Disneyland trip. In fact Zack's big obsession right now is the Hat Box Ghost so that was my goal for him.

The other is some boxer briefs. Let me just say I detest sewing with knits ever since I learned to sew. That's the one thing I avoid. But the last time I dealt with knit fabrics was a good 30 years ago. I am a big girl now, times have changed and maybe just maybe I could deal with these knits once and for all..umm apparently not!

I really do not like the way the knit edges roll despite pinning it, having to stretch it when I sew, and just having to work with it period. I just hated making these and unless they are a big hit I won't plan on making any more. I really thought they were cute though and that saddens me a little. I am willing to give knits one last chance. It will be a simpler project and if after that I still don't like sewing it then it will be crossed off the list one more time. I really wanted to like being able to make knit items but if we just won't get along then I don't see us working together anymore.


  1. Wow! You are just amazing, Leslie! I wish this was a skill I possessed! I am just in awe. Have a great week!

  2. Wow! You are just amazing, Leslie! I wish this was a skill I possessed! I am just in awe. Have a great week!

  3. These are amazing!!!! I LOVE the haunted mansion shirts!

  4. Everything is so cute, Leslie! I don't like sewing knits either. I always manage to get the fabric stuck in my machine. Of course I do all of this under protest, since I'd rather sew on paper. LOL!

  5. Everything looks adorable, Leslie! Just like with your watercoloring, I'm blown away by your sewing abilities!
